adj. relating to or characteristic of a prophet or prophecy

about me
graphix collection
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July 2, 2024

  • updated now page
  • added several articles
  • added some graphix + revamped graphix page!
  • added + removed some ocs + their pages to the oc directory
  • revamped some but not all oc pages (i'm working on it)

May 22, 2024

  • updated now page
  • added several articles
  • added a few pix of prophet to the prophet gallery
  • added One graphix or maybe more idr
  • updated blog Twice

April 28, 2024

March 24, 2024

  • updated now page
  • added several articles
  • added page for new oc Sloane!
  • added a Prophet Pic to the gallery!
  • new blog! baleeted old zonelets blog (after dling the posts for posterity)

March 5, 2024

  • debuted NEW ABOUT PAGE here!
  • added a few internet refs + articles
  • updated credits with the theme/image from about page, and new mouse cursor sparkles (coming soon to all pages!)
  • new mouse sparklies!
  • moved background + pagedoll to the images folder instead of just being. There lmao
  • changed sticky note code!

February 20, 2024

  • fixed several broken links/images. oops.
  • added several things to graphix collection
  • added to music recs by title

February 15, 2024

  • finally replaced the sidebar image being hosted on imgur LOL
  • changed the link for the graphix collection page to say 'graphix collection' instead of 'buttons and blinkies'

February 8, 2024

February 4, 2024

  • buttons and blinkies for the buttons and blinkies gods!
  • added several articles
  • updated webrings on the affiliates page!!
  • added colored scrollbars that actually work on firefox!!
  • CHANGED buttonsblinkies.html -> graphix.html and writingcomicscartoons.html ->wordsandimages.html

February 1, 2024

  • added Even More buttons and blinkies
  • added several articles + img refs + misc links!
  • possibly most importantly, added WEBRINGS to the affiliates page!!
  • ALSO IMPORTANTLY, retooled the site to add a splash page! old home page now redirects to here!!

January 31, 2024

January 22, 2024

  • a long belated update!
  • added several articles, internet refs, witch refs, and blinkies/buttons
  • updated + added several affiliates
  • added profile for new oc Lolo!
  • created the goals page! check out what i plan to do this year ehe.

December 14, 2023

  • added several articles + blinkies/buttons

November 26, 2023

  • finished oc pages! finally added nana and mori!
  • added several More articles
  • added more blinkies/buttons

November 22, 2023

  • added even MORE blinkies! and a new, related, internet ref
  • added several articles!

November 21, 2023

  • added a TON of blinkies and buttons, ehe! :3
  • added character pages for ynyr, zareen, yahya...

November 20, 2023

  • added chara pages for sage, harvey, vesper, lucian, miami, pietro, ratt dubois, ramzy!
  • updated tarot deck list page!
  • added even more music recs!
  • added several blinkies n buttons! :3

November 18, 2023

  • fixed rss feed link. oops! also, added an id to each update on here to make the rss feed jump directly to what changed! :3
  • updated blinkies page and added various links to booksmarks!

November 15, 2023

  • created character pages for kichirou, kimoon, mittrei, gwyllgi...
  • added my beloved cerpin to affiliates again hehe
  • added a bunch of music recs!

November 14, 2023

November 12, 2023

November 11, 2023

November 9, 2023

  • added character pages for: angel, arcade, danny jay, jester, konpeito, neon afterglow, perse, PSI, sizemore, heartbreaker, amber, delfy, cosmo, and the fool!
  • edited the oc directory page to fix a few things that were bothering me :)

November 8, 2023

  • added a zonelets blog to the website & added blog to sidebar & posted first post
  • updated affiliates to add several people, credits to credit more things i should have before lol, buttons&blinkies, and oc directory
  • added changelog + to do list
  • posted another blog post & updated prophet's gallery!!!
  • added character pages for dave, ainsley, schrodinger, lark, & redid prophet's page

to do list